Do you have consistency in your goals?
We are here to remind you that we are two weeks into the year. No matter if you are in consistency or if you have dropped off, there is still hope.
There is an interesting theory about time. It will expand or constrict according to your beliefs about how long you need to finish your goals.
Your mind interprets how much time you have in your priority and your action.
It is important to put time lines on your goals. It isn’t to set yourself up for failure. Your mind will decide that it is indefinite on when it will complete.
Our minds are designed to cut away unnecessary information and streamline. If there is an indefinite amount of time, it cuts it away as fluff and doesn’t put it in the cue as priority.
In order to experience success, breaking up the year into six months, give yourself a timeline so that you actually have a chance of bringing in the results on one of your bigger goals.
What are you willing to prioritize right now?
ou have to be devoted if you are looking for results that matter. You have to spend time. In thinking about what you want to accomplish this year and changing your life, set a goal for six months to get you into action.
You will develop tenacity to hang in there as you devote your action steps forwards a goal for six months with concentrated effort.
What is the focus and action that you need to take to create change in 6 months? How can you get past just making the list or research mode? Planning is not the magic. The implementation is the magic. Planning is a tool to help you get into action. Planning is a great idea. Results take action.
Be willing to commit to one thing for a period of time.
“Don’t change your mind. Lots of action in different directions does not get you to your goal.”
What are you willing to prioritize for the next six months?
Let us know in the comments 🙂
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