Happy people have routines!
We get inspired in the moment. We believe we will be inspired in the moment of action but it rarely happens, consistently.
We will talk ourselves out of the work of change every day.
Preparation routines help us take the initial inspiration and then create a plan. We no longer have to wait for inspiration to move forward. We just do the plan.
Preparation routines are the foundations for lasting change.
Willpower is has a daily battery life. We only have so much willpower each day, like our batteries on our phones. When the battery is drained the phone no longer works. The same is true to willpower.
When you have a preparation routine that sets up your day so you don’t have to rely on willpower as much, you prolong the “battery life” of your willpower to be able to keep making decisions all day.
The more you can take decision making out of the moment, the more success you will have.
Make decisions, then make plans, then do the plan. You don’t have to question all day long who you are doing, you have already decided and created the ease.
Your mind and body relax around routines that are consistent. When our minds and bodies trust us, then we turn the corner and we have less resistance to change. Happy, productive, successful people have routines.
“Keep your commitments to yourself by creating a preparation routine.”
Do you have a preparation routine for your goals? What is your routine?
Let us know in the comments 🙂
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