Buying “things” is not “the results”.
When you are looking to do something like run a marathon, getting the gear is not the effort. We get really excited about the prospect of change. You often don’t know all that you will need until you are in the process of running.
We love to plan and research. We love to go in declare that we are running in the store as we buy our results. The reality is that the planning is not the work. The research is not the work. This is the pre-work.
We are excited about the idea of something new.
It doesn’t feel good to always be preparing for things, purchasing things, then moving on to the next thing. We end up with a closet for of great prepared ideas, without any actual results.
We have all spent money on a gym membership that we didn’t use. The membership isn’t what get you out of bed at 5 AM and getting in the workout. GOING requires effort.
We can’t be afraid of effort. It can be scary but we need to take it one step at a time. We can hope that we run but hoping, wishing and waiting will only get you so far. At some point you have to decide to do the actual steps of running.
We over-estimate what we can do in ten days and under-estimate what we can do in ten years.
It is so easy to want to “have run” or “have done your goals” but the work is the day to day work of doing it. Starting at the beginning and taking it each day.
“Stop planning and preparing for six weeks to just move on to the next obsession. Start doing today.”

What can you do today? How can you prepare for what you actually need to start now?
Let us know in the comments 🙂
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