Happy New Year’s!!
Welcome to the New Year! Welcome to the New Decade!
In order to maintain the choices the road to success, you need a little something… motivation.
Spoiler, you are going to feel unmotivated. You are going to get tired and feel like quitting. If you are waiting to feel motivated you might as well stop the podcast here. Motivation is not a feeling. It is a choice and more of a lifestyle.
Motivation is not a feeling. It is a choice.
Motivation gets a bad rap out there and many experts say motivation is garbage. We disagree. If you looking at motivation as the feeling to make you want to do something, then yes, motivation won’t help you. You won’t ever feel like working at something with effort. Motivation can be used as a tool to help you get into action when you feel stuck, but it all boils down to choice.
We have a cool way to help you find motivation in your everyday life this year. This isn’t a feeling, it is a choice. We have a reminder by choosing a word of the year to help guide the direction of the year.
Capturing how you want to feel this year in a word or phrase, character, or mood can help you make decisions with more ease.
So what is a word, phrase, or feeling that you would like to experience this next year?
Results are not motivation enough or we would already be there. So your word needs to be more of what you want to overcome, not the result. Happiness is not found in result, it is in the overcoming.
What holds you back from success? Where do you struggle? Perhaps you can find a word that will inspire you to make choices to help you overcome your hurdles.
“You aren’t going to feel motivated to do ‘the work’ that takes effort. You will want to stop. Your motivation will inspire you to make that choice to keep going.”

What is your word for the year?
Let us know in the comments 🙂

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