Can you still work on your dreams even if you are going through a hard time?
Yes! and this is how! Each day take a small step towards your goals.
Imagine what would happen if you took a small step everyday for an entire year? How would your life change? What would change?
Kayla talked about being a realist and how a small step everyday won’t change a radically in one day. However, in 365 days, there is great movement. When you have consistency and get into momentum, you are able to take more risk and do more as you move forward.
There is a process when you are starting at the beginning. You have to train your mind just as you train your body. The small moments in and of themselves are not a big deal, but stack them together and your life will drastically change.
The small steps become our habits and routines and gets easier each and every day.
If you saved $1 a day in ten years you would have almost $4000. Most of us wait to have $4000 to make a change. It doesn’t ever happen. We look at the $1 as not enough. The consistency over time that creates.
Are you willing to do something small towards your goal every day?
We grow our muscles and endurance to do more and more. Your ability grows to increase your action steps. We don’t want to do the same choice everyday for a year or ten years. The goal is what small step can you do everyday, it may change as you grow, but it will still feel like a small step in time.
If you are easily overwhelmed in your current circumstance, this is a cool way to make the most of your year. Just because you are going through a hard time you can still work on your dreams. You can still do something small everyday.
The change around your beliefs will be that small steps really do change your life. This gets you out of the waiting game and to stop waiting for the perfect year.
“Say yes to your dreams one small step each and every day.”

What small steps are you willing to take everyday this year?
Let us know in the comments 🙂
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