Everyone wants the result of change, but rarely does anyone know how to get it.
Episode two is here and we are diving into all things planning. Kayla has been in wedding planning mode and she of all people wishes it could all just be about the desire. Picking out the dress is not planning the wedding, haha.
Imagine how much effort goes into planning a wedding.
They even have a career option out of this – a wedding planner.
So many people understand the effort behind planning a wedding, even if it is only for one day. When those same people approach changing their lives, they don’t expect to place even half the effort towards changing their life.
Wedding = 1 day
Life = Forever
The amount of effort that goes into one single wedding day is intense. So we can expect that the process of changing our life is going to require massive effort and commitment each and every day.
What if you took transforming your life just as serious as planning a wedding?

In our last episode, we gave you some homework.
We asked you to:
- Define what you want in life, what is your goal / intention / desire?
- Get clear on what you are willing to put effort in TODAY, in order to achieve that goal.
We also mentioned that if you were not sure what you actually wanted to spend some time in hope and inspiration and get clear on what would bring you relief today.
Did you actually write down your desire?
We have been hearing from many of you – in our private sessions, private emails, and private comments about how you “felt” about the podcast and how amazing the episode was.
When you comment, and let other people read your thoughts and intentions, it creates a different approach to your goal setting and accountability.
If you are one of the few people who don’t need pressure to get movement in your life, I am sure you already wrote down your goals.
For the rest of us, we need that motivational push.
Statistics Show:
Only 3% of people write their goals down.
A study on goal setting found that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals by writing them down.
Are you one of the 3%?
If you want to be in the 3%:
Go back to the last blog and comment
Take some time to write things down for yourself in your journal or notebooks.

If you struggle with the planning process, this is why Kayla created The Lifestyle Design Strategy Workbook.

Some of you have already grabbed your copy since listening to Episode 001: You can have it all, just not all at once.
This workbook was designed to help create ease in the organization and planning parts of transforming your life.
Most people have the desire for a specific outcome, but almost always get lost in the process because they don’t know HOW to actually get there.
Do you know HOW to make your desire actually happen?
This is where most people “wing it” and fail.

“Without a proper plan, giving up is too easy.”
An example in my life was when I decided I wanted to run races. I tried the “wing it approach” and kept quitting. I couldn’t tell if what I was doing was hurting or helping. When I joined a training group, they had a plan and support for me to follow. They broke down a four month process into sections or goals and from their weekly actions. This is how I was successful in running races.
“Winging it” will end up in failure. You cannot approach each day deciding how long you feel like running that day or when you feel like running if you want to complete a half marathon. I was able to collect many racing medals from following a plan and not my feelings. You cannot wait to decide each and every day what to do, you won’t want to do anything on most days and so giving up will be easy.
You will never “feel like it” so don’t wait for the moment – plan it.

“Happy people plan actions, not results.”
A lot of people don’t even think about the HOW. They jump straight into action. This happens when you try to skip steps and rush the process to get “results” sooner.
Planning may take more time in the beginning, but it saves you from wasted time implementing action without direction. The confidence hit you will take from this “failure” will keep you down way longer than a missed step ever will.
If you are looking at HOW to implement your goals, you will approach the action steps very differently.
Read all about it in The Lifestyle Design Strategy Workbook.

The top two reasons that people don’t write down their goals:
1. They don’t have time.
2. They don’t know HOW to make it happen.
Sometimes it can feel like others aren’t supportive of your dreams when they start asking you details, but maybe they are just excited to see your next steps.
The plan is not toxic.
They people asking about your plan aren’t toxic either.
(unless they are a toxic person and hate everything about you, not just your plan.. lol)

Be thinking about the how.
- Write down your desire if you haven’t done so already.
- Choose a planning system.
- Journal
- Strategy Workbook
- Digital Planner / Planning Book
- Digital Calendars or Apps, etc..
- Brainstorm “the HOW” to make your desire happen.
- Actions to take
- Research what you need
- Changes you will need to make
- Things you will need to buy, etc..

Next Steps:
- Get your planning system working.
If you don’t have one, be sure to check out The Lifestyle Design Strategy Workbook
OR grab our FREEBIE: How to Create a Routine That Supports Your Goals.
- Be sure you are subscribed to our podcast so you don’t miss out on the next steps to start changing your life from the inside out. If you love what you hear, we would love a review! Subscribe to iTunes or Subscribe to Spotify
- Leave a comment below or tag us on social media and let us know what you really want to see change in your life.
- Download this picture to your phone background as your reminder to plan and prepare for your actions.

We love you!

Thank you so much for posting this. To be honest I never realized how important making plans for your goals really is.
I just bought Kayla’s workbook and am excited to see her for our session. I definitely need help filling out my forms 😂
Love this podcast, thank you both for everything that you do!
Hey Kelly! You are so very welcome. I can’t wait to connect with you deeper in our session. I just saw you booked my time next week, yay! Let’s create some movement! Excited to see you. xo Kayla
Well shit. I was definitely one of the 97% who didn’t write it down. But I’m excited because I just bought a new journal at Barnes and Noble and will be following along with writing EVERYTHING down from now on. LOL. I’m ready for change ladies!
hahaha, we love you Tammy! The good news is, now you can be in the 3% with us. Bug hugs your way. So happy you are here with us.
Hi ladies. I just wanted to thank you for putting so much in these podcasts. I am taking so many notes and I am look forward to everything you do. I am realizing that I need to start with getting clear on how much things take me to do. That was really helpful to hear how you record times in your tasks. Thank you again. Please post the next episode soon.
We are so glad to have you here with us Stacey! Excited to see you get clear on the time frames. It helps so much. Hugs!
Got the workbook!! I’m so excited to get started.
I like the idea of figuring this out now before the beginning of the year. Thanks!
EEEEK!! I am so happy to hear that you got the workbook, Laurie! I have an exciting bonus headed your way in a few days too. Yay! xo
Tbh I’m kind of overwhelmed right now. I want to get better at not letting things pile up at home. Even my email stresses me out. Where do I start? Does the planner work for this?
Thx for all you do