We are not in a race, there is plenty of time to create a life we love.
It is ok to be slow to start the new year. This is a time of fresh starts and new beginnings. Sometimes the new year can trigger perfection and the feeling of being too far behind.
It’s Day 3 of the new year and most people start dropping off of their routines. We always say if you think day 3 is bad you should see week 3. If you have perfectionistic tendencies, it won’t serve you in change. Having standards is great, but having realistic expectations on what it takes to change. It is a process. It won’t take a moment.
Perfection tells us that if we miss that one day, why bother, just give up.
When you are starting something it won’t be perfect right at the start. It takes time to create streaks. You are going on a journey.
Change requires work. The work is hard. Your mind will want to talk you out of it and use perfection as a way to stop.
We want to soften in some areas and other areas we need to push through. We need set goals. It is difficult to implement change overnight. Resilience is not something that happens, it is something that you choose.
When you fall down, get up. If you get stuck in perfection, you will stop every time.
Strength and confidence comes from getting up off the floor. Resilience is something you grow like a muscle. Every time you step up, you grow your ability to withstand. Resilience is the antidote to resistance.
Tomorrow is a new day. Your journey doesn’t start at the result. You are learning and growing through the process. As you get more consistent you get more and more confident, adaptable and resilient.
When you fall off, it is just a moment, and the next moment you can choose to stand back up. If you are tired of starting over and over, quit stopping. Decide to let the journey have it ups and downs.
“Your journey doesn’t start at the result. It is a process.”

What can you track everyday to get consistency and experience streaks in habits that grow resilience?
Let us know in the comments 🙂
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