Taking action and making choices can be overwhelming
The tendency in many of is to want change in every area of our life at the same time. Typically the more overwhelmed you are, the more you try to over compensate and accomplish more at once in order to “make up” for lost time.
We all want the results of change immediately, which leads to feeling overwhelmed.
Don’t look at the things you want, but rather look at the choices you have made. Take a look at the 3 biggest choices you have made in 2019. Now look at the results of those choices. Think about the consequences of those choices stepping into this new year. There can be both positive and negative consequences of our actions. Typically your choices have a theme. Your desires won’t but your choices will.
Don’t look at your desires, look at your actions and choices.
This is where you start to see your patterns. The choices you are making are actually impacting your life today. When you are in overwhelm, you have to look at which direction your choices are taking you. We all want more things, but that can ultimately lead to distraction unless we are looking at what is influencing the direction of our life in the biggest way…. your choices.
If you are someone who doesn’t make choices, you can look for your top three excuses. What is your excuse?
Your choices and your excuses mirror each other.
When you start to look at your patterns, excuses, and choices — all of the sudden your life will start to make sense.
Sometimes your excuses are actually your beliefs. Your beliefs dictate your choices. The best place to start in overwhelm would be to prioritize overcoming the belief that is impacting your choices.
If you are able to change your beliefs, awesome! For those of you who are not able to change your beliefs, there is something deeper going on with trauma. Trauma can change and alter your beliefs, so you want to take time to stop, drop, and heal if that is what is needed.
Trauma is not the same things as feeling overwhelmed. Overwhelm is manic and will leave you feeling exhausted. You will feel relief instantly when you take movement and start to take action in your life.
If you find that you are experiencing trauma, then you know that you need to prioritize healing and take action there first.
Ask yourself: Am I overwhelmed with everything I currently HAVE going on? OR Am I overwhelmed with everything that I WANT to have going on?
If you are overwhelmed, prioritizing will help.
If you are in trauma, healing and coaching will help.
Trauma changes your beliefs.
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