Priorities and goals should compliment each other.
Priorities and goals go hand in hand. When you have a goal, your priority should be aligned with that goal. When you shift your priority, your goals should fall. You wont get anywhere if you have opposing priorities and goals.
For example: If you are wanting to prioritize sleep and your goal is massive productivity, both are great but these two don’t necessarily fit together.
In order to be productive you will need sleep and if you are prioritizing sleep you can still get things done. When you are making choices, having this priority and goal combination will make it difficult for you to clearly see what the best choice is for you.
Confidence having a clear priority.
We go through seasons of priorities and goals. It is important to recognize which season of life you are in so that your goals do not oppose your current priority.
When you have competing goals and priorities, you will experience burnout without much movement or results in your efforts.
When your goals are aligned, you will feel more confident in the daily choices that come along with life transformation.
You absolutely need to be crystal clear in your choices.
You need to pick one goal at a time, and if you are an achiever – no more than 1-3 goals at a time.
In order to experience true fulfillment and happiness, work on keeping your goals and priorities matched, aligned, and complimenting one another.
Typically we tend to have lots of beautiful ideas and desires, but when they don’t align with our goals they will become our greatest distractions and the culprit of steering us off track.
Pick one area to excel in, and build upon that once you get comfortable making choices aligned with your current priority.
You are going to have to accept that you will need to let something go in order to let your priority take the lead.
“Don’t fail everywhere, excel somewhere.”
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